Thursday, November 19, 2009
Sometimes... just sometimes... i wish things were how they used to be... free from the stress, free from the hatred, free from the vices of today's harsh reality. Sometimes i wish i had only good times, but then again, the bad times have made me stronger. stronger than what i once was. Sometimes i lay in complete darkness and search for THE LIGHT... Sometimes i stand in the light and wish i had complete darkness.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The thoughts that brace my mind with such an unyielding grip.. are the same thoughts that she places around her hips, after that long, hot shower, even after i have devoured her, not physically, but with my mind, over time, after sips and sips of fine wine, only then, shall i dine... Eating from her mental plate, falling endlessly into HER SPACE... She has me LACED... Like the LACE that caresses each and every one of those crevices... im amazed yet intrigued at how effortlessly she makes my mind seek refuge, refuge from the long days work, refuge from all life's stresses, seeking refuge from the lust that makes her give me all her yes's... No no's, because when im with her, ANYTHING GOES... and keeps going and going, these functions, are not even battery operated, got damn, if only i could taste it, not a drop would be wasted... no clean up necessary... But for right now, only her LACE is showing, our motion is at its own pace, and this attraction, its growing, beyond my control, maybe eventually it will release my SOUL... Right now, all i want to do is just relax and kick back, her body is my instrument, something like an alto Sax.. In this english language, no dictionary or thesaurus hold the exact adjectives or verbs to describe all of miss lady's curves.. almost perfection, beauty in all aspects, clearly its not even about the sex... All i notice is how she slowly slips the LACE down each appendage, over the left heel, then the right heel.. As the LACE hits the floor, i can see myself wanting nothing more.. Nothing more than the sight of her finally in the bare... Shaded by the night, but dimly lit by the candlelight... i reach out for her, grab a handful, i feel the smoothness of her skin, still nothing sexual, just enjoying one of my five senses... And the next sense, is smell, she smells like a WOMAN, the woman, my woman.. The woman of my dreams, of my conscience, of my awakening, she smells better than any perfume, and body spray, she smells like mahogany brown... beauty in every form, for her, I'M DOWN, on my knees, ready to tease, ready to please, hands around her, ready to squeeze... Amazed at how the things i do, can affect our groove.. She has me LACED...

I saw a quote the other day, it opened my eyes a bit more than what they have already been opened.. and it read... "She was created from the rib of man, not from the head to be above man, or from the feet, to be under man, but from his SIDE, to be by his SIDE, as an EQUAL" ... Now if that doesn't make you ponder things a bit more, may i ask, what does make your brain tick? Somewhere along the way we lost sight of the fact that SHE, HER, FEMININE, WOMAN was created for us to cherish and LOVE as our EQUAL and not as our SERVANT... The women I grew up seeing, had pride and an unmatched level of class and undeniable strength... Not saying that the women of today don't have the same qualities, but the amount of women that hold these such qualities has greatly diminished in the years since our EGO's stepped on the scene... Maybe that might be due to the fact that so many of our "men" have treated them as toys or flings or things of that nature and most importantly haven't been present in the birth, raising, and rearing of these BEAUTIFUL girls... Some of our men resort to cutting-down, demeaning, belittling, physically, mentally and almost most importantly emotionally wearing down our women until they are on their knees in tears of hurt and pain. These tactics have been accepted in today's society by not only the men but also by the women... We have got to change this mentality that our women have to be subservient and under our rule. These same women that we bring so much pain and stress to, give birth to us men, they feed us men, they nurture us men, they STAND BEHIND us men even when we want to give up THEY are there for us... SHE, HER, FEMININE, WOMAN has contributed greatly to the success of us as men, not only BLACK men but ALL MAN... One of my favorite rappers of all time, TUPAC SHAKUR said in his song "Keep Ya Head Up" , "I KNOW THEY LIKE TO BEAT YOU DOWN ALOT, AND WHEN YOU COME AROUND THE BLOCK BROTHAS CLOWN ALOT, BUT PLEASE DON'T CRY, DRY YOUR EYES, NEVER LET UP, FORGIVE BUT DON'T FORGET, GIRL KEEP YA HEAD, AND WHEN HE TELLS YOU, YOU AIN'T NOTHING DON'T BELIEVE HIM, AND IF HE CANT LEARN TO LOVE YOU, YOU SHOULD LEAVE HIM" Those words right there speak volumes to me.. Women, you can't let anything deter you from what you want in life especially any unsupportive man that only says he loves you while laying horizontal with you... Let me proceed to another set of his lyrics from that same song... "AND SINCE WE ALL CAME FROM A WOMAN, GOT OUR NAME FROM A WOMAN, AND OUR GAME FROM A WOMAN, I WONDER WHY WE TAKE FROM OUR WOMEN, WHY WE RAPE OUR WOMEN, DO WE HATE OUR WOMEN? I THINK ITS TIME WE KILL FOR OUR WOMEN, TIME TO HEAL OUR WOMEN, BE REAL TO WOMEN, AND IF WE DON'T, WE'LL HAVE A RACE OF BABIES THAT, WILL HATE THE LADIES, THAT MAKE THE BABIES, AND SINCE A MAN CAN'T MAKE ONE, HE HAS NO RIGHT TO TELL A WOMAN WHEN AND WHERE TO CREATE ONE... SO WILL THE REAL MEN GET UP? I KNOW YOU FED UP LADIES, BUT KEEP YA HEAD UP... The first time i heard this verse as a shorty, it hit me like a sack of bricks... There is nothing more important than SHE, HER, FEMININE, WOMAN. These women have endured the same amount of stress and hardship, if not MORE than us men... Therefore, i think they deserve all the praise plus some... We have fallen off the bandwagon which built us.. its not to late for us to catch back up to this bandwagon, put some new wooden wheels on it and keep rolling of into the sunset.. Although this time the wheels need to be SUPPORT based and be STRONGER than before... it all starts with respecting SHE, HER, FEMININE, WOMAN. All of us have mothers, grandmothers, sisters, daughters, we need to start thinking from their point of view... Would you want any man disrespecting any of the WOMEN in your life? I know I don't and won't accept that from anybody, no matter if its my father or my best friend.. So why are you any different? Things can change if we put forth that effort... Let's stop the with BITCH's, and HOE's and SLUT's and BREEZY's and things of that nature.. It may not seem harmful but it is.. These very words become en grained in our minds and our repertoire of words, that's when it becomes second nature.. I know deep down inside, everybody feels this way, its just a matter of digging deep enough to want to make that change, not only for self, but for SHE, HER, FEMININE, WOMAN... Thank YOU for your eyes...
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Untitled Thoughts
so as i woke up this morning, and like other mornings, i thought to myself, where exactly are we as humans headed? it seems like things are no longer about helping the next man/woman progress, its seems like everything is about SELF-progression... now, dont get me wrong, i believe that you should always look out for self in today's world but, if you think about it, back in the day it took a village to raise a child. nowdays the kids cant even go outside and see the village because we are so fearful of the next person and THEIR agenda... nobody trusts anybody anymore.. why is that i ask? is it because we don't trust ourselves or has our trust been betrayed so many times before by others? When did we start down this road of distrust and hate? Me being an 80's baby, i can remember the days of riding my bike with my boys till the streetlights came on.. the saturdays spent in the mall or at the movie theatre, or outside just roaming and seeing my environment and becoming a jr. menace to society... the menaces of today's society have totally rearranged society and it views on people, the good, the bad, and the rich and the poor... im not naive in the least bit, but I STILL SEE THE GOOD IN EVERYBODY... be that as it may, we need to try to get back to where we once were as a population... I know that seems far fetched but DO YOU think that its worth a try? Extend a hand to your fellow man, your fellow woman... say hello to a random stranger, ask someone how their day is going, be of service to somebody besides yourself.. Go out of your way... I feel like we owe it to ourselves.. DO YOU WANT TO BE BETTER or do you want to stay STAGNANT and in this lane... I challenge you to do something NICE, i promise you that it will make you feel better about yourself than any amount of money can... JUST BE NICE show that you have a HEART... Do you accpet my CHALLENGE... with that in mind... HOW IS YOUR DAY GOING??
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