You don't know what the BLIND MAN SEES... You don't know what the BLIND MAN will SEIZE... You don't know when a BLIND MAN will CEASE... You don't even know what a SEEING MAN is blind to or what will blind the SEEING MAN... You also don't know what will SEIZE that same SEEING MAN or what that SEEING MAN will SEIZE... One day that SEEING MAN will CEASE to SEIZE what he SEES, but that BLIND MAN, i bet he will never CEASE to SEIZE the opportunity to SEE and SEIZE... Sometimes the SEEING MAN wishes he had not been able to SEE... Sometimes that same SEEING MAN, wishes he could CEASE what he SEES... At other times the BLIND MAN wishes he was able to SEE the light and SEIZE his path and CEASE his search for sight... When a SEEING MAN CEASES to SEE what he SEIZES he then becomes a BLIND MAN, and when a BLIND MAN CEASES to SEE that what he SEIZES is attainable, he then turns into a SEEING MAN... When these two men SEE that what they SEIZE is out of their grasp, will they CEASE, or will they stretch even further to SEIZE what it is that they SEE, attainable or not? I know that the SEEING MAN will CEASE to SEIZE certain things and cherish other things if he had the sight of a BLIND MAN... I also think that the BLIND MAN would SEIZE all the things that he could SEE if he had the sight of a SEEING MAN... The thought process a BLIND MAN possesses would CEASE if he saw all the things not seen in previous days of life... on the flipside, the thought processes possessed by the SEEING MAN would be to SEIZE sight if he was forced to SEE darkness, do you think he would CEASE to live the same life as in previous days, or do u think that SEEING MAN would SEE that life would be different now that his sight has been CEASED? WOULD YOU BE THE BLIND MAN OR THE SEEING MAN? THINK ABOUT IT...

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