Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Ever since my first breath, I've been blessed... blessed with the opportunity to see new things, to chase new dreams and to touchdown on the scene... Now since my first breath, humph, this world has brought me so much stress and I've seen so much death... You can say its weighed me down like a bulletproof vest, even stumping me like problem 37 on a trigonometry test, but that wont stop me from making my next step... Placing my right foot in front the left, calculating my next step. Waking up seeking only to be the best, now i don't even trip on that same stress. I've learned that everyday is a new day, it's your job to make a new way with your FLAT SOLES... Press that pavement, keep making them payments, walk that block... that block of LIFE. in your FLAT SOLES... Just don't let it flatten your SOUL or be the reason why you grow old... Wear the SOLES, don't let the SOULS wear you (down)... All the things that I've seen in my short life, it'd make an old gray man cry tears at night, but i don't let it penetrate my mind, or my grind, i won't even let it consume my time... i just keep pressing my FLAT SOLES onwards towards my goals. I once heard that "life is like a box of chocolates" well, I disagree, see to me... Life ain't like a box of chocolates, its more like a box of sprockets, make sure you put your life together first, so you can take off like a rocket. Keep a few options open and place them in your back pocket... Plug up and stay charged like you live in a socket, stay out them streets unless you prepared to end up on a docket... From what i have observed, everybody wants to be a "made man" but what exactly have you made, man? How many nights have you been on your knees crying and prayed fam? Like them hustler's in the trap say, "Somethin gotta shake man." Don't resort to moving them grams, unless you can handle hearing them cell door's slam, and honestly, I don't think u can. Just keep pressing your FLAT SOLES until you find your place, and when you do, make sure you can fill that space, because you can't afford to let that hole gape... Press your FLAT SOLES my brothers and sisters, fore you see what is at stake, it ain't always about being the richest man who eats the biggest steak, it's sometimes about sharing what's on your plate and learning from your mistakes also balancing the choices that you make... Money is cool and all, but I'm not here to make a profit, I'm just here to place your mind on a different topic... Like that plasma screen, you might not want to watch it, because it's only slowing up your progress. Naw, I'm not like Moses, this here is no prophecy because it ain't nothing that can stop thee... Keep pressing your FLAT SOLES in pursuit of your goals, start running to them like Usain Bolt... Something like an oppressed man behind the gun line boss, or even like a dreaded man, cut those locks off and press your FLAT SOLES... Press them 'til your heels touch the concrete and your joints become weak, even then keep pressing, never stop stepping, never stop repping... Which one of us will keep pressing on and step up to claim the throne? It might have to be me, because so many of us are acting like drones and clones, mechanical and scientific concoctions, only taking other people's options... Some of our soul's have become flat, like an unattended soda, naw man, we can't have that... Remember you're leaving your imprint... Just keep pressing your FLAT SOLES, please, for the sake of me, we, and thee, the one's to follow your FLAT SOLES...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Blind MAN... Seeing MAN...

You don't know what the BLIND MAN SEES... You don't know what the BLIND MAN will SEIZE... You don't know when a BLIND MAN will CEASE... You don't even know what a SEEING MAN is blind to or what will blind the SEEING MAN... You also don't know what will SEIZE that same SEEING MAN or what that SEEING MAN will SEIZE... One day that SEEING MAN will CEASE to SEIZE what he SEES, but that BLIND MAN, i bet he will never CEASE to SEIZE the opportunity to SEE and SEIZE... Sometimes the SEEING MAN wishes he had not been able to SEE... Sometimes that same SEEING MAN, wishes he could CEASE what he SEES... At other times the BLIND MAN wishes he was able to SEE the light and SEIZE his path and CEASE his search for sight... When a SEEING MAN CEASES to SEE what he SEIZES he then becomes a BLIND MAN, and when a BLIND MAN CEASES to SEE that what he SEIZES is attainable, he then turns into a SEEING MAN... When these two men SEE that what they SEIZE is out of their grasp, will they CEASE, or will they stretch even further to SEIZE what it is that they SEE, attainable or not? I know that the SEEING MAN will CEASE to SEIZE certain things and cherish other things if he had the sight of a BLIND MAN... I also think that the BLIND MAN would SEIZE all the things that he could SEE if he had the sight of a SEEING MAN... The thought process a BLIND MAN possesses would CEASE if he saw all the things not seen in previous days of life... on the flipside, the thought processes possessed by the SEEING MAN would be to SEIZE sight if he was forced to SEE darkness, do you think he would CEASE to live the same life as in previous days, or do u think that SEEING MAN would SEE that life would be different now that his sight has been CEASED? WOULD YOU BE THE BLIND MAN OR THE SEEING MAN? THINK ABOUT IT...