Tuesday, July 14, 2009


before the sun rises, before the birds chirp, before i take my first breath, i think about what happened before... before the sleep, before the previous nights dinner, before the day of work, before i woke up again to start another day.. i want to know what came before... was it my actions that came before my thoughts, or was it my thoughts that came before my actions? before i made decisions that affected my lifes location, before i chose to go left at that fork in the road... What was BEFORE? before the years of my existance, before the fight put up by my ancestors, before the hatred from generations past, where was i before? what was i before the many sleepless nights and restless days, before the 40 hour weeks and the 2 for 1 drinks... before the hands of time cease to wind, where will i be and what will i do? before the storm hits, will i be prepared.. for disaster or triumph... scared that the before is whats to become after...

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